Trip Ideas
Get Bakpak Dave's backpacking Europe Trip ideas, routes and itineraries for popular and less-touristed routes for backpacking Europe whether you are taking a short getaway or going gangbusters for 6 or more weeks.
Popular Trip Ideas
Classic trips and backpacking Europe favorites, from the Grand European Tour to France & Italy adventures. Explore Popular Trip Ideas
Backpacking Europe Trips
For a more in-depth European backpacking experience, these ideas will get you going…and going! Explore Backpacking Europe Trips
Quick Trips
No time? No worries! In two weeks you can easily get a good taste of the backpacking Europe experience! Explore Quick Trips
Latest Trip Ideas
This is the big one, the trip you have been dreaming about since the word “Europe” first fell into your brain.
France and Italy are the two of the popular destinations in Europe, and this itinerary takes in the best of both countries, from...
This best of Great Britian & Ireland trip includes Scotland and Northern Ireland, both officially part of Great Britian.
Trip Ideas
Get Bakpak Dave's backpacking Europe Trip ideas, routes and itineraries for popular and less-touristed routes for backpacking Europe whether you are taking a short getaway or going gangbusters for 6 or more weeks.
Free Backpacking Europe Planning & Essentials Guide
Download/More info on the Backpacking Planning and Essentials Guide